gman1290 on YouTube By The Numbers [2021 in Review]

After the 2020 year brought about a ton of surprises, 2021 was set to contain a dose of reality to some extent. The numbers certainly have supported that sentiment as most of the main categories saw a downward path compared to the previous historical year.

As it relates to video viewership, there was a 50.48% drop in 2021 from 2020. This end a four year gain streak. There was also a 29.56% decrease in watch time. This also ends a long streak: seven years in total.

In the Traffic Source category, ‘YouTube searches’ led the way containing 21.3% of the total traffic source and 29% of watch time. The United States represented the top country worldwide with 51.6% of all viewership. This is followed by the United Kingdom at 4%, Russia at 3.5%, Canada at 3.1% and Brazil rounding out the top 5 at 3%.

The first three months of the 2021 calendar year saw the biggest steady rise in overall viewership and watch time, likely piggybacking off of the high increase from the previous year. A late summer rise occurred in August and September and a slow uptick occurred near the end of the year. The highest demographic among all age groups were 35-44 year olds representing 33.7% of all viewers.

In closing, the 2021 calendar year was expected to see a significant drop from the record-setting 2020 year. Though more comparable to previous years, gman1290 on YouTube continues to see a loyal following of subscribers and could see more of the same in 2022.

Posted in gman1290 News.